Our approach to learning
“At ISP, we put learners and their learning first. ISP pioneered a student-centred learning approach by supporting students to take ownership of their learning. We are focused on the continuous improvement of students’ confidence, knowledge and skills by evidencing learning in real time every day.”
Emily Porter
Group Chief Education and Innovation Officer
Curiosity ignites a passion for learning
Picture students who are self-motivated to learn more. We spark each student’s interest, so they’re engaged and learn more effectively.
Confidence is the fuel for lifelong learning
All students have one common trait: they are individuals. We help every student discover what they need to learn best and thrive.
Learning.First: Our methodology
Learning.First is ISP’s unique approach to education. It means that we always
put learners and their learning first.
So, we put learning first. Isn’t that what all education groups do?

Why choose an ISP school
Everyone at ISP is supported to take ownership of their learning. That includes teachers and leaders as well as students. The result is a dynamic, innovative and personalised learning atmosphere. Everyone is in it together and focused on the same goal – getting better.

What do students get out of the ISP experience?
When a student joins an ISP school, they become part of a global community of over 80,000 students and 10,000 colleagues committed to improving their academic, physical, social and emotional learning.
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They will develop in a safe, caring and inclusive environment. Every day, they get to engage in learning experiences that have a positive, long-lasting impact on their learning, personal development and overall wellbeing.

And how do ISP schools benefit?
When learning is at the heart of every decision we make, our schools are always improving. Our teachers have the support and resources they need to best help and engage each individual student.
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“When you join ISP, you are part of an amazing learning community
of schools that build talent and embed quality“.
Alejandra Moreno, Head of School, ITJ Valle Real, Mexico
We recognise the importance of our schools in their local communities. That’s why they retain their unique character, existing branding and bespoke curriculum offering when they join ISP. At the same time, ISP schools can leverage the power of our global network and access to shared ideas, knowledge and experiences.
The ISP impact
On our students
Our students gain transformative learning experiences inside and outside the classroom.
These are structured around five learning pillars.

Academic achievement
Our schools are clear about the knowledge and skills students need to succeed academically.
Beyond that, our schools are equipped with innovative curricula, a research-backed learning approach and high-impact assessment tools, all designed to deepen each student’s understanding. Continuous improvement is fundamental to ISP.
All our schools follow a learning improvement framework which monitors performance against selected criteria proven to best support student learning.
It helps us enhance our approach to have the greatest impact on students’ success.


Skills for life
We believe that there are some key life skills that all students need to thrive. These include everything from digital literacy to global awareness.
These skills prepare them to adapt to a rapidly changing world, make informed decisions, and build meaningful relationships, setting a strong foundation for lifelong success and fulfilment.
ISP students develop these skills over the course of their school years, through learning experiences inside and outside the classroom.


International learning is part of our schools’ DNA. Our students are encouraged to explore a range of world languages.
We ensure all our students can communicate and collaborate confidently in at least one world language (usually English, Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish or French), in addition to their home languages.


International opportunities
Every year, ISP students around the world take part in multicultural and multilingual experiences called International Learning Opportunities for Students (ILOS). Whether it’s becoming a United Nations delegate or directing a film, ILOS programmes open the world to every student.
Every ILOS experience encourages students to discover their true interests as they prepare to succeed in today’s global society.


Life and career pathways
ISP’s bespoke university and careers-related programme, Future Pathways, helps students to make informed choices about their future.
We work with each student to explore their academic skills and interests.
Then we bring experts in their field to share practical insights and guide students on their next steps to help them reach their university, college, or career of choice.


On our schools
The ISP way of learning means our schools are always improving what they do.
The Learning Improvement Process (LIP)
The LIP is our unique evidence-based framework that guides every school to self-evaluate and improve. It is powerful because it’s built into everything we do.
Our schools use this unique evidence-based framework to assess their impact on students’ learning. Is the learning atmosphere inspiring students to learn? Is the improvement planning transparent and collaborative?
With insight on nine learning criteria, each school can take action to improve both student and professional learning.
We designed the LIP based on our Learning and Innovation team’s extensive educational experience and in-depth research on school leadership and improvement. By supporting every school and learner to continuously get better, our whole community thrives.

A process of continuous
Self-evaluation pushes our schools to get better every day, every year. We are constantly asking ourselves, “How are we supporting students?”, “Can we better engage everyone at the school?”, “What steps do we need to take to improve?”
Schools document and action the
outcomes through three steps
Planning for improvement Implementation
It holds each school accountable for the education quality they deliver. But it is also a supportive process. We give all ISP schools the tools to master the Learning Improvement Process (the LIP).
What does ‘mastering’ look like?
ISP schools that have mastered the LIP can confidently show evidence that their policies and practices consistently deliver high impact on student learning.

On our educators
Teacher professional development
Teachers are the number one factor affecting student learning.
When our teachers are at their best, our students perform at their best.
We want our colleagues to feel confident, valued and supported to continuously improve. That is why we invest time, support and resources in upskilling ISP people. All ISP teachers and school leaders have access to extensive accredited training and professional development opportunities. It means our teachers are always following best practices.
ISP professional development includes:
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) accredited leadership programmes.
Over 80 courses available for everyone in our community on our online learning platform, The Learning Hub.
Growth and development opportunities such as mentoring, coaching, and mobility routes between ISP schools and regions.
Volunteering with of our charity partners, like Street Child United.

Being an ISP Head means challenge and support. You are constantly challenged to put learning first, to improve the offering and to grow your school. The leadership programme offered great professional development and it creates a network of global Heads ready to support each other.
Jeff Ison
Campus Principal, Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park-Malaysia.